Friday, September 30, 2011

And Does Them

Matthew 7:22-24  Every one then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house upon the rockand the rain felland the floods cameand the winds blew and beat upon that housebut it did not fallbecause it had been founded on the rock.

Start now to think of some of the things that Jesus said and taught. Remember the words above are the actual ending of the sermon on the mount, but don't limit what he said and taught to that portion of scripture alone. Go through your red letter bible and only read the words that Jesus said. I find that the easiest way to focus only on the thoughts of Jesus.

He is the rock on which to build a life worth living, and his words hold the life together. Notice in his words that the rain fell and the floods came on both those who built their house on rock and on sand. The world will bring rain in a world where people pursue selfish desires and greedy values. Life will not be easy for any of us but on the rock we will find a life worth living even in the midst of the flood. Jesus advice, listen or, in other words, heed his words and teaching

I would be amiss to not point out loudly and clearly again that it is not just hearing and reading his words and teaching that makes your life one built on rock. He then adds the phrase "and does them". That changes the situation completely doesn't it? Professing without doing is just a form of hypocrisy. I read the words of Jesus not for knowledge but for instructions. I can't read them and ignore the poverty around me and around the world. I can't read them and hate those who are different than me. I can't read them and covet what belongs to another nor be silent if I think they are accumulating what should be shared with another. I might fail in my efforts to follow the instructions, but they are not just words they are a call to action.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Need All Three

Matthew 7:21-23  Not every one who says to me, ‘LordLord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heavenbut he who does the will of my Father who is in heavenOn that day many will say tome, ‘LordLorddid we not prophesy in your nameand cast out demons in your nameand do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew youdepart from meyou evildoers.’

Most of seem to think that if we profess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord we are in. Others think we must profess he is Lord with our mouths and act in His Name. Jesus surprises us perhaps with this clear admonition that not all who profess his name and even not all who act in his name will enter the kingdom of heaven. The passage just before this speaks of bearing good fruit. I guess what Jesus is getting at is that I can have correct theology and be a hateful person bearing none of the good fruit that comes with redemption. 

I have more than one friend who were alcoholics.  I'm thinking of some whose sobriety has lasted more than two decades. I can see one in particular who is sober but has never dealt with the personality issues which oppress him. You might call him what some call a dry drunk. Others show the positive effects of real life change that their higher power has helped them to achieve. They bear good fruit. 

It scares me that I could accept the theology of Jesus redemption and yet not mature in faith to produce good fruit. I constantly seek to allow God to change me. I want the fruit of the spirit to hang abundantly from me and available to be picked and nourish all those around me. Yes I want to act in Jesus Name, and yes I want to hold sound theology, but I dare not be a barren tree or one that bears bad fruit.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Luke 5:4-8  Jesus said to SimonPut out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” And Simon answered, “Masterwe toiled all night and took nothingBut at your word I will let down the nets.” And when they had done thisthey enclosed a great shoal of fishand as their nets were breakingthey beckoned to their partners in the other boat to come and help themAnd they came and filled both the boatsso that they began to sinkBut when Simon Peter saw ithe fell down at Jesus’ kneessaying, “Depart from mefor I am a sinful manO Lord.” 

Marsha and I toiled many times in our lives. When we got married we had nothing to speak of, and depended on our parents for awhile. We decided Marsha was going to finish college, even pregnant, and even if we didn't have the money. I worked 60 or more hours a week and some of that time it was split shift opening in the morning and closing at night.  I could go through years of our toil on our own to make it. We had dreams and plans and we worked hard to achieve them, I would say we were both strong people with a good work ethic, and we reached most of our goals. House, children, jobs, vacations, and yet we continued to toil. The toil was that although all of those things were good and wonderful, they didn't add up to anything. 

Learning to listen to Jesus and obey was really what diminished our toil. It was not instantaneous this learning to listen. For my part I would let God into some areas of my life and not others. I would hear his voice in places of ministry, but for some time excluded him from my relationship with Marsha. Gradually his voice infiltrated all the areas of life and for the most part toil was over. We still faced hard choices and hard work. Life isn't without difficulties. We found and I continue to find that life is not toil when we've really learned to hear and obey. Hard sometimes, yes. Tiring sometimes, yes. But toil, for me no. 

Some of you know about my exhausting experience in the absolute wilderness of Maine trying to change a tire this summer. I wasn't sure my body could do what needed to be done, or that my brain was capable of figuring out what needed to be done. I was being eaten alive by deer flies and they drive me crazy. I wasn't sure I would ever get out of the woods that day, but inside in my spirit was a serene pool of calm assurance. Even then it  was not what I call toil because God was with me and reassuring me. I do like to recount the story though. He let me know he was helping that day. Did you ever see a jack lift a car higher when slanted sideways? I did and I couldn't believe it. I swear it was beyond 45 degrees slant.

For me life on my own is toil. I'm not saying it is bad or uneventful or always unhappy without this connection with God. I didn't know that life would be so much better until I had the experience of his grace. I thought my life was just what life was meant to be. Like Simon when I experienced that absolute power of his grace I knew I was a sinful man, and unworthy of all his love, and yet I knew and continue to know the grace that takes away toil with overwhelming grace. I'm so happy that after working so hard and not getting the real catch, I learned to cast my net on the right side.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Rusty Treasure?

Matthew 6:19-21 Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earthwhere moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and stealbut lay up for yourselves treasures in heavenwhere neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure isthere will your heart be also.

I watch in these economically challenging days as people are consumed by what has happened to their monetary worth. Obviously, in those terms, I'm not thinking about the poor because they have no net worth to worry about. People often say they have worked hard for their money and I'm sure to some degree that is true, but have you ever really talked to a homeless person about what it takes to live their life? Or talk to the minimum wage father who quit school to help support his family at 16 and now works three jobs to support his own family. I had a friend who was a welfare mother. She was deserted by her husband in Boston with three children and with three babies work was impossible. She was on welfare for a few years as the kids grew. She used to tell the story about birthdays. She could afford to bake a cake but could not afford the frosting. Once when invited to a birthday party she was embarrassed when her son loudly asked what the stuff was that was all over the cake. Her life was difficult every day. The physical work may not have been as great as some of those hard working successful families, but the emotional work to keep it all together for her kids was torturous work, and all the while the world just kept working to make her feel ashamed.

Why do we who have so much think that because of the luck of our genetics or life circumstances we deserve so much more than others? Do you think God looks at it that way? Do you really think that the mental illness of many of those homeless people should subject them to that kind of life? Is that what God wants?

I've pondered this passage of scripture many times wondering where I find myself. I even question my motivation at times. I do give away some of my treasure and I do it to Godly causes, but am I doing it out of love and compassion (that would really store up heavenly treasure) or do I do it because I feel guilty for all the treasure I have stored up on earth, and fear not having enough heavenly treasure? I never come up with a crystal clear answer, but I think God likes that I'm not too comfortable with his teaching.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Impossible? Really!

Matthew 5:43-48 You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to youLove your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heavenfor he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the goodand sends rain on the just and on the unjustFor if you love those who love youwhat reward have youDo not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you salute only your brethrenwhat more are you doing than othersDo not even the Gentiles do the sameYouthereforemust be perfectas your heavenly Father is perfect.

Jesus has a point. Why should we deserve credit for treating those we love well? Everyone should find it easy to be good to those who are good to us. The triumph is to treat people right who treat you wrong. That would be a true testimony to the power of God or the teaching of God. Often I find myself patting myself on the back in some abstract psychological way when all I done is what should be simple. I catch myself because I do know what it feels like to rely on God's Spirit to act appropriately when some thing is going wrong.

Jesus is not about helping us feel proud of our own abiities. He knows that if that was enough we would not have needed the incarnation or crucifixion. At some point we need to learn how to rely on God and trust Him. I know that is not easy for the modern mind wrapped as it is in this false notion that we can make it on our own. Look around at the hostility and violence in our world. You may not have to leave your town or city to find examples, and we know that much of the violence is hidden as family secrets.

On Sunday once again the focus pulled our attention to the reality that we want to get away with just being sorry for our mistakes without any serious desire to change our behavior. In moments of desperation we turn to God, but not for change in our lives just a quick fix to the momentary situation and we wonder why God doesn't seem to help. We want to keep on going along doing the easy things on our own rather than rely on the real power to become a much a better person. I don't know about you but I relish doing the impossible.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Matthew 5:27-29  You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that every one who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heartIf your right eye causes you to sinpluck it out and throw it awayit is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell.

Jesus takes matters of morality extremely seriously. He not only leaves the Jewish law in place when it comes to morality he makes the jewish law even more stringent. On the other hand Jesus dismantled all the barriers that men set up to discriminate against others. he touched lepers and others who were unclean, he accepted women and foreigners, and he always spoke of the need to care for the poor. He  separated himself from those in power when it came to justice, but insisted on even higher standards when it came to morality. As I look at our society I see the opposite of what i see in the teaching of Jesus. We seem to erase all those moral standards that Jesus upheld, while today any support for the poor or other social justice issues are often ridiculed.

One thing is clear to me however, Jesus strongly pointed out that there are significant consequences for breaking the law. Today the mood of the public is that we just need to be a little good,whatever that means, and we will be rewarded with heaven. Many don't even believe that hell exists and mort certainly it will be ever so easy to avoid. I can't find that in the teaching of Jesus. Over and over he speaks of those who will spend eternity in hell. Whose standards do you think really matter, Jesus or our human society?

Monday, September 19, 2011

You Fool

Matthew 5:21-22  You have heard that it was said to the men of old, ‘You shall not killand whoever kills shall be liable to judgment.’ But I say to you that every one who is angry with his brother  shall be liable to judgmentwhoever insults his brother shall be liable to the counciland whoever says, ‘You fool!’ shall be liable to the hell of fire.

Boy does this one hit home. I hope I'm right when I say that I have improved through the power of the Holy Spirit. My family knew me as argumentative and some others might have experienced it as well. My personality is easily convinced that we are right because our goal is to know it all, and that leads to being a know it all. I have been known in a moment of passion to call someone a fool. I don't think that is the unforgivable sin, but this passage does put me in my place. My harsh judgmental language of the past fits into the sermon on Sunday and a couple of my own important theological principles. Change requires repentance which includes acknowledging that something is wrong and, more than being sorry. to turn and seek God's help to change. I have not lowered myself to angry words or name calling behavior in some years now. I'm not sure God has cured me, but I am convinced that God has helped. I might still think I'm right because that is just who I am, but I don't judge people who have different ideas.

The penalty for calling someone else a fool seems rather harsh. We live in a country now where that seems to be a way of life. This past summer and continuing even now we have a government in gridlock because the order of the day is name calling and demonizing people with different ideas rather than finding a way forward that would work for all of us. Jesus knew the cost of anger and judgement. He knew it was among the greatest threats to our common good.  

Friday, September 16, 2011

Faithful To His Eternal Purpose

Matthew 3:13-17  Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to Johnto be baptized by himJohn would have prevented himsaying, “I need to be baptized by youand do you come to me?” But Jesus answered himLet it be so nowfor thus it is fitting for us to fulfil all righteousness.” Then he consentedAnd when Jesus was baptizedhe went up immediately from the waterand beholdthe heavens were opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a doveand alighting on himand loa voice from heavensaying, “This is my beloved Sonwith whom I am well pleased.”

I love this scripture. The humility of John. The obedience of Jesus. The faithfulness of the Father. In such a short passage we find so many levels in the reading. I have written in the past about my admiration of John the Baptist. His clear identity of his role and who he is, No confusion or wanting to take on another person's role or identity.

Jesus comes and John fears that baptizing Jesus could be overstepping his role. Why should he baptize the one who is to come after him whose sandals he id not fit to untie? Perhaps even Jesus does not understand the magnitude of the moment, but he does understand that this baptism is meant to happen. It seems foolish on the surface, but for some reason God the Father chose this moment to provide the power of the Holy Spirit for Jesus next three years of ministry. Jesus just followed obediently what he knew the Father wanted of him.

The Father was faithful to his purpose and plan. The scripture says that his word goes forth and will not return without completing his purpose. Every move God makes continues to work toward the completion of His plan. We throw one obstacle after another, but God just recalculates like my GPS and proceeds toward our redemption. I thank God for His faithfulness. He never stops working for our good. No matter what we do with our free will, God will continue to be faithful to his purpose.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Did You Get The Gift he Sent?

Matthew 3:11-12  I baptize you with water for repentancebut he who is coming after me is mightier than Iwhose sandals I am not worthy to untie; he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fireHis winnowing fork is in his handand he will clear his threshing floor and gather his wheat into the granarybut the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire.”

I love scripture because it has indeed been a light unto my life. God's Word has turned me and changed me and moved me in ways I describe in a few lines, but I look back knowing I would not be the man I am without having fallen in love with a marvelous woman and a marvelous book, and the most glorious Lord of my life. That being said I do weigh certain things in scripture differently than others. The words of Jesus are weighted highly of course, and most of all the last things he said to his disciples. I also value more the words and events we find in all four gospels because they must have been foundational to the faith in order to have been repeated across the cultures and geography of the whole region. All the authors heard these words and they were important enough to include in their accounts. These words of John the Baptist are found in all four gospels slightly different but close to exact. He later says to some of the disciples that Jesus was the one to whom he was referring.

He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit!!! John baptized with water for repentance but could not baptize with the Holy Spirit. In our baptism we receive the baptism for repentance and the baptism with the Holy Spirit. One of our problems as a church today is we seem to see John's baptism clearly while the baptism with the Holy Spirit is ignored, and yet that is pictured as the more important baptism by John and by Jesus. He tells the disciples after the resurrection not to leave the city until they had been baptized by the Holy Spirit. You too were given the Holy Spirit as a gift at your baptism but have you personally received the gift, or is it a present that you have never unwrapped?

Seldom do we recieve a gift that will touch our lives with immeasurable blessings that has a greater blessing in it for so many others around us. The Holy Spirit is given to sanctify us or to transform us progressively into the image of Christ through our sharing of the Holy Spirit's gifts with our family, friends, and neighbors. The Holy Spirit's presence in us actually grows as we freely give his grace away. 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

My Way

Matthew 2:13-15  Now when they had departedbeholdan angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in dream and said, “Risetake the child and his motherand flee to Egyptand remain there until I tell youfor Herod is about to search for the childto destroy him.” And he rose and took the child and his mother by nightand departed to Egyptand remained there until the death of Herod.

One of the promises God had given to his covenant people was the promise of protection if they remained in covenant with him. Throughout the history of God's people we find in scripture, again and again God fulfills his promise of protection. From Pharaoh  during the Exodus, David from the covenant breaking Saul, the nation of Israel from invaders while they followed the covenant. In this scripture Jesus is protected from the wrath of King Herod.

We who live in the promise of the new covenant are also promised protection. The important words are live in the new covenant. Each day like the people of Israel we can choose to remain in the covenant and follow God's plan or go our own way. In the scriptures when Israel abandoned the covenant they ended up in trouble until they returned to following God. I think we want God's protection and we want God to follow us. It seems as if we promise to remain in covenant with God if he promises to follow our plan. I know I have acted again and again as if my way was best and just needed God's support. Lord protect us from ourselves. 

Believe It Or Not

Mark 16:9-11 Now when he rose early on the first day of the weekhe appeared first to Mary Magdalenefrom whom he had cast out seven demonsShe went out and told those who had been with himas they mourned and weptBut when they heard that he was alive and had been seen by herthey would not believe it.

Easter morning must have been an amazing contrast of thoughts and emotions. Mary Magdalene trying to convince the disciples that Jesus resurrection was real. Although Jesus had shown many miracles during his life including raising Lazarus from the dead after three days, this experience must have been shocking and confusing to all of them. Don't have a lot maore to say about that scripture even if it is among the most important events of all. We have the advantage of history and we ought to use it.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Wondering Again

Mark 15:44-45  And Pilate wondered if he were already deadand summoning the centurionhe asked him whether he was already deadAnd when he learned from the centurion that he was deadhe granted the body to Joseph

Pilate is doing more wondering, perhaps thinking that if indeed this Jesus was the Son of God he would not be able to die. He questioned wether jesus was dead or not on any account and received assurance from the centurion that indeed Jesus was dead. The centurion had to be sure that Jesus was dead because misinformation could be a disaster for him. Letting a condemned go would be punished by death. If Jesus was alive and given to Joseph of Arimathea the centurion could be the one killed. Some say that Jesus never died on te cross but this and other evidence is conclusive for me. Pilate must have felt better, because I think he feared that Jesus was more than just a man. He must have been reassured by the news that Jesus was dead.

Resurrection is not possible for us without death, and our resurrection is not possible without Jesus death and resurrection. Pilate could not fathom the plan of God and scripture says that neither could the evil one. Satan thought he had won when Jesus was put to death, but in fact Jesus willing acceptance of his crucifixion assured the victory not just his but ours. Scripture says that God's thoughts are higher than our thoughts. Often I talk to others and sometimes think to myself that I need to understand things or they aren't true. When some scientist somewhere creates an atom even, let alone organize them to form all creation, then I might think we are approaching the thoughts of God. Until then I accept some things that don't fit in my brain, and act in faith upon things I don't understand, and have a relationship with someone I've never seen, and find life just works so much better. So I too may wonder, but it does not limit my faith.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Stone Thrower

John 10:31-33  The Jews took up stones again to stone himJesus answered themI have shown you many good works from the Fatherfor which of these do you stone me?” The Jews answered him, “It is not for a good work that we stone you but for blasphemybecause youbeing a manmake yourself God.”

The people who picked up the stones to kill Jesus were convinced that Jesus was claiming to be God. By his acts like forgiving sins not done to him but to someone else, or his talking about the works he has done as coming from his Father. I guess I would have been a stone thrower myself. How could I believe a man who claimed to be Son of God. I liked him well enough and all that but to make himself God that was a huge overstep in my mind. I spent years wrestling with Jesus identity because I liked the guy. Did you ever just love a character in a book or movie with this strange attraction. The Matt Damon character Will in Good Will Hunting is one of mine. He is this intelligent non achieving drinking rebel and I that was me. Other characters we pick are not what we are but what we want to be. Jesus was one of those for me, but then he couldn't be God, I couldn't be God so he couldn't either.
C. S. Lewis put it clearly that either Jesus was a liar claiming to be the God when he was not. or he was a lunatic thinking he was God when he was not, or he was who he said he was and indeed was God. He couldn't just be the nice guy I wanted him to be. I came to that place before I ever read Lewis, and I wrestled with that for a very long time. I eventually knew he was God and that changed everything, I intentionally said knew not believed in that sentence, because we think many things that we don't know in the sense on an intimate overwhelming reality like I knew I loved Marsha. It was not an intellectual choice after analysis of some choices, or taking up a time honored philosophical position, but rather a knowledge in the bones like the knowledge of a deep and permanent love. Knowing him changed everything indeed. That knowledge became the fulcrum that lifted the weight of the world off of me, and continues to fill my being with unbelievable treasures. Maybe in those old days I could have been a stone thrower, but I had to drop my stone.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Old Story

Mark 15:22-26  And they brought him to the place called Golgotha (which means the place of a skull). And they offered him wine mingled with myrrhbut he did not take itAnd they crucified himand divided his garments among themcasting lots for themto decide what each should takeAnd it was the third hourwhen they crucified himAnd the inscription of the charge against him read, “The King of the Jews.” 

We have heard the accounts of Jesus passion so many times that we risk a ho hum attitude to half of the most important event in the entirety of human history. Remember Jesus prayer, Abba, Father, all things are possible for you; remove this cup from me; yet not what I will, but what you will.” He understood what was being asked of him and he knew that his Father would rescue him if he chose. "Do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father, and he will at once send me more than twelve legions of angels?He could have stopped the passion, but he chose to complete his Father's work. In his humanity he did not want this path, but he chose God's will. He did not in his humanity have his own power to stop or save him from this moment but knew his Father would save him if he asked.

I'm often in my own little world faced with tiny opportunities to do the same. I can choose God's will over my own, especially when my own is a primitive fear response. I can be assured of God's power and help if I am doing his will, but must know that his power and help doesn't mean I will avoid difficulty. Sometimes the difficulty will be used in ways I can't imagine to provide an even greater good. Marsha and I once lost close friends because of doing what we knew was God's will. It was not easy, but it prepared us for so many blessings in the following years. We found God's work at hand in our lives by being shown that we could grow and thrive even in adversity with Jesus help. Insignificant in comparison to the choice of Jesus as his sacrifice effected all of us, yet we are called to make our small sacrifices as we trust him at our moments of choice.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Just Wondering

Mark 15:3-5  And the chief priests accused him of many thingsAnd Pilate again asked him, “Have you no answer to makeSee how many charges they bring against you.” But Jesus made no further answerso that Pilate wondered.

Imagine the situation that Pilate found himself immersed in that day. Clearly Jesus was somebody that the secular leader of the area would at least heard about. The things people said he had done were amazing and the Pilate would not have been in control of the area without listening to his soldiers and allies. Remember at one point he healed the centurion's servant, and that was just one instance that should have drawn attention. Now face to face he wondered. Pilate had a choice of what to do with his wonderment. He could respond to what he sensed in Jesus or he could let fear of the crowd dictate his choice. At every turn he tried to block the path that was leading to Calvary. He seeks to have Jesus released as a passover custom, but the crowd picks Barabbas  and Pilate responds in fear. 

In what areas of your relationship with Jesus are stuck wondering. The teaching of Jesus, the promises of Jesus, the call of Jesus on our lives all require faith to be really effective. In the recent training sessions on leadership we heard and then discussed the fact that everything is initiated by God. Our faith is not what makes it happen, but we do need to accept grace with faith. Our wondering may not send Jesus to Calvary, but it wound his body the church.