Thursday, December 16, 2010

What God Wants

We are in that strange season when we should have the greatest clues as to what will be best for us and best for others, and at the same time what God seeks for us.  However I think many of us miss the point. We give without much thought, and to often receive without gratitude. The pictures are from the Ingathering at the Church of the Resurrection last night. You can see the huge number of plastic containers. each one full of gifts for poor children and adults. I know the generosity represented and it is huge. A realistic estimate of the value of these gifts would be $70,000. The gifts are waiting in the church to be blessed and sent. You can see the picture of the rector Rev. Ron Greiser and the young people with hands raised pouring out God's blessing upon the gifts which very soon will be loaded on trucks to be distributed to the needy in the area mostly off the island which is Myrtle Beach. God wants us to respond to the blessings he has poured out in our lives by using some of those blessings to bless others. I don't know about you, but among my happiest moments are the times when I gave the perfect gift to someone I love. I like the saying in the Prayer of St. Francis that says. "It is in giving that we receive." I also cherish the moments when I am given a gift that shows a real knowledge of who I am and what will bring joy to my life. Often the best gifts are the words said from the heart, not an item purchased, because I already have all the things that I need. I am definitely not one of the needy. Can we, like our Lord, become supreme givers. It really is what will make us happy and what will make God happy at the same time. Tell someone why you love them. Help them see themselves as you see them. That would be a Merry Christmas wouldn't it?

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