Sunday, May 30, 2010

Excitement of Children

We are so spoiled as adults. We have lived through so much that was fun and we become dissatisfied with what we have done. I'm not sure it is human nature but is certainly an easy trap that we want the newest and biggest and best. I have been reminded of the excitement of children this week. One of my nephews has two young children and I have watched them be filled with excitement over some of the same simple things that excited my children and grandchildren. Olivia with her tea party that took hours to prepare. Cameron with a bike ride around the block and how fast he could go. The beach and sand castles and walking the dog all show a measure of excitement. I have returned to a more simple life in some ways. I don't go out to eat and I cook and live a simple life. I walk the beach and swim and play golf. I can't say those things excite me, but I am certainly content. I do excited when I am involved in worship and especially when peaching I get excited. I just wish we could retain some of that child like simplicity. We need back to basics and not in school. We need it in life.

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