Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Maine Coast

The coast of Maine is filled with rocky cliffs with crashing surf, and beautiful lighthouses on every major point of land. The bays are filled with lobster boats and sail boats and it seems like every one of these points has transportation boats to take people to the hundreds of offshore islands. As you look out from the harbors you see tiny islands everywhere, but you could also find many that are habitable. It makes for gorgeous rides as each harbor is different and unique although with built in similarities.

I have a brother-in-law that collects miniature model of lighthouses and he does have many. I never appreciated the models because I never took the time to see the settings. They are really adapted to the location and are very unique. I showed you two pictures as an example.
I must say I admire the country both in the shoreline and the hills, lakes and mountains, but it is not Myrtle Beach in terms of fitting my lifestyle. I'm glad I get the chance for both, but I'll enjoy home when I get there.

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