Monday, June 7, 2010


My rector is away for the next couple of Sundays which means I get a chance to preach for two weeks in a row. I love to preach because it is always an experience of grace for me. I don't focus on anything for me, but the preparation and execution of a sermon always brings grace to me. Sometimes it is the message itself. God gives me a message I need to hear and asks me to share it with others. Sometimes it is the feeling of God's presence working through me as I preach, it feels like an overdose of power beyond my control. I don't often know the results that might happen from a sermon. It brings to mind Jesus speaking about the Holy Spirit comparing it to the wind. "We know not where it comes from or where it is going." I'm so glad I don't have to worry about the results. I need to be obedient as best I can to the word God gives me and leave the rest to Him. If I had to worry about the results than I think I would be frozen in church waiting forever for something to come out of my mouth. Preaching is great because often I feel like an observer as God acts. I know the words are coming out of my mouth but at the same time it seems like I'm just watching God do His thing. That's why it is always a grace to me. God always shows up, always touches me, always delivers even through my weakness. Thank God for that.

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