1Thessalonians 4:7-8 For God has not
called us for uncleanness, but in holiness. Therefore whoever disregards this,
disregards not man but God, who gives his Holy Spirit to you.
Who reigns in our lives? Do I reign or
does God reign? Has anything changed because you have the Holy Spirit which the
Lord has given you? One of the recurring heresies is Antinomianism. One of the
main problems with this heresy is they did not keep from sinning. They lived
wild and sinful lives thinking that all their sins were covered by the death
and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus was the magic ticket to heaven and all
the earthly desires they could find. If the Holy Spirit does not rule and reign
in our lives, if we do not give over our free will to the Holy Spirit that
Jesus gave us, then this is the heresy for us. Universalism leans in this
direction as well. I can let my own will battle with the Holy Spirit and God’s
unbreakable rule will not allow the Holy Spirit to overcome our free will. So
who rules and reigns in your life? Do you have that sin is inevitable attitude
that denies the power of the Holy Spirit or even think that it doesn’t much
matter because we are forgiven anyway?
Some heresies still persist.