Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A Good Heresy?

1Thessalonians 4:7-8 For God has not called us for uncleanness, but in holiness. Therefore whoever disregards this, disregards not man but God, who gives his Holy Spirit to you.

Who reigns in our lives? Do I reign or does God reign? Has anything changed because you have the Holy Spirit which the Lord has given you? One of the recurring heresies is Antinomianism. One of the main problems with this heresy is they did not keep from sinning. They lived wild and sinful lives thinking that all their sins were covered by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus was the magic ticket to heaven and all the earthly desires they could find. If the Holy Spirit does not rule and reign in our lives, if we do not give over our free will to the Holy Spirit that Jesus gave us, then this is the heresy for us. Universalism leans in this direction as well. I can let my own will battle with the Holy Spirit and God’s unbreakable rule will not allow the Holy Spirit to overcome our free will. So who rules and reigns in your life? Do you have that sin is inevitable attitude that denies the power of the Holy Spirit or even think that it doesn’t much matter because we are forgiven anyway?  Some heresies still persist.

Witness & Encouragement

1Thessalonians 3:6-8 But now that Timothy has come to us from you, and has brought us the good news of your faith and love and reported that you always remember us kindly and long to see us, as we long to see you— for this reason, brethren, in all our distress and affliction we have been comforted about you through your faith; for now we live, if you stand fast in the Lord.

One of our lots as priests is to leave communities of faith to which we have become attached and in the same way the many wonderful people that fill those communities. In this modern world I realize that this is not just the reality of the clergy. I quite frequently hear of troubles or difficulties in the lives of former parishioners, and I pray for them even when I may not have complete information. I can so identify with Paul when Timothy returns with news that reassures him about the community in Thessalonica. I do get more information sooner than Paul because with some of those people and communities, but we also have Facebook and other instant communication. I hate to hear about trouble in peoples lives, but I love to hear how they meet them with faith. We encourage one another so much when we live out our faith in trying times and let others walk with us in faith through the journey. I thank God for all you saints who share your lives as you follow Christ through the ups and down, the highs and lows and still display your witness to our Lord.  

Boasting About You

1Thessalonians 2:19-20 For what is our hope or joy or crown of boasting before our Lord Jesus at his coming? Is it not you? For you are our glory and joy.

Now Paul seems to switch gears and to draw the attention to himself. This at first glance seems out of line with the rest of his teaching. What could he mean? If we look at Paul’s life through the lens of his relationship with these communities what do we see? How do they measure up against the teaching of Jesus? For example, if I paraphrase, Jesus said we would recognize Him, Jesus, if we loved one another. He said those who want to be first of all must be last of all and servant of all. I think Paul does recognize that all he has suffered and all he has sacrificed so others would know the love of Christ shows him to be servant of all. At Jesus coming either at the end of my life or the end of the age, I might have a crown and joy if he sees not me but those I have served. You, meaning some of the people around me through my life, will be my testimony before my Lord. 

Did He Say That?

1Thessalonians 2: 13 And we also thank God constantly for this, that when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men but as what it really is, the word of God, which is at work in you believers.

Imagine having the confidence in your faith to write what St. Paul wrote here. In essence he was saying that the word thy heard from him had been accepted as the word of God, which he says it really is. Wow!!! I mean when people compliment my sermon I often say God is good, to acknowledge that God was the source, but I would be troubled to say that my words were really the word of God. Perhaps I am meant to have such confidence and boldness as I respond to the Holy Spirit, but it feels both over the top and exaggerated. What does God desire of a spirit filled Christian? Are we doing a disservice to God with our humility? Does this false humility keep us quiet in noisy circumstance? Perhaps boldness in some circumstances is more desirable than humility. The world would hear more with boldness than humility, the revelation of the gospel would perhaps be heard far more often with boldness than humility. What do you think God most desires of us?

Encouraging Godly Lives

1Thessalonians 2:10-12  You are witnesses, and God also, how holy and righteous and blameless was our behavior to you believers; for you know how, like a father with his children, we exhorted each one of you and encouraged you and charged you to lead a life worthy of God, who calls you into his own kingdom and glory.

I was talking a lot this past week with someone who did not know the places and communities where I both found God and served God. In order to share my history, I had to remember and in some ways relive my history. I remembered all the people who had lived in my home with Marsha and I and our family. I remembered the roles God gave me in the church and other faith communities as I hope I exhorted and encouraged people to live a Christian life worthy of God. It is amazing what a walk down memory lane can do for you in putting your life in perspective. The time with the person who heard about my life for the first time was special for them, for us and for me. God was pressing in on us as I shared my history and listened to theirs. We could see God’s hand woven onto our lives and treasure the ways God had been abundantly present to each of us. Those moments are so powerful when we see the hand of God in the midst of us. Those moments really are the best times of exhortation and encouragement. I can remember a number of times when I was asked in one setting or another to create the time line of my life with key events and activities. I was always amazed at what I saw or found out when I looked at my history. As a Christian I could never ignore the presence of God right smack dab in the middle of my life. It is impressive when I see that I indeed have exhorted others and encouraged others in their faith journey, but even more spectacular when I see that they were exhorting and encouraging me at the very same time. We all have those revelations of the risen Lord through the Godly relationships that constitute our lives as the body of Christ.

Challenges Not Just For Preachers

1Thessalonians 1:5-7 For we never used either words of flattery, as you know, or a cloak for greed, as God is witness; nor did we seek glory from men, whether from you or from others, though we might have made demands as apostles of Christ. But we were gentle among you, like a nurse taking care of her children.

I wonder how many televangelist read this verse. It often feels like they use words to impress and words to cloak their greed. As a preacher it seems funny to say that I never cared to be noticed. I did often receive affirmation of my preaching, but I knew where the wisdom came from and was almost embarrassed that people praised me. I have known others who are filled with pride over the creation of their message, and I’m not sure what God thinks of that. I had some of my papers that were placed in the seminary library as examples of how to do the assignments and I was proud. I knew I was the author and the work was from my intellect and accomplishment. However I did not see them as godly even as they dealt with biblical material. It gets very confusing when you are paid to be a priest and you preach on Sundays while seeking very hard to avoid the traps found in this passage. I definitely want to be gentle among you, not demanding or boastful or greedy. They call us father some times in our church and perhaps then I am charged with care of God’s children like a nurse or caregiver. Wow how the word can make you think and find yourself in the struggle for the right path. I pray we walk gently with God listening for His voice and following His direction as we care for those He has placed around us.


1Thessalonians 2:1-2 For you yourselves know, brethren, that our visit to you was not in vain; but though we had already suffered and been shamefully treated at Philippi, as you know, we had courage in our God to declare to you the gospel of God in the face of great opposition.

I must admit I have faced opposition. I guess in some minimal way, although some people have told me that some of it was extreme, I too have been shamefully treated. I hope I have had the courage to continue to proclaim the gospel no matter what, but I don’t think you can point to me like I point to St. Paul. Some times I just feel like such a wimp when it comes to my life in service to Jesus. My sacrifices and risks seem so big and hard to me, but in comparison to those in the bible and in the early church  they are insignificant. At times I just have to stop and give myself a reality slap. I live in my world in my time with my set of issues and problems I can’t live in St Paul’s times and circumstances. My task is to obey Christ in my life with the opportunities and possibilities in front of me, and with the gifts and talents the Holy Spirit has equipped me to use in God’s service. I have been reconciled to God by Jesus Christ and to me has been given the ministry of reconciliation, so I ask myself how am I doing in the realm in which I live? That’s all I have. The most danger I have is all those gladiators throwing golf clubs around the course, but I can still love others as Christ loves me. Am I doing it in my time and place? That’s what matters.

The E Word

1Thessalonians 1:6-8 And you became imitators of us and of the Lord, for you received the word in much affliction, with joy inspired by the Holy Spirit; so that you became an example to all the believers in Macedonia and in Achaia. For not only has the word of the Lord sounded forth from you in Macedonia and Achaia, but your faith in God has gone forth everywhere, so that we need not say anything.

We call it evangelism and people turn us off so fast the screen is dark before we blink our eyes. I started using Alpha way back at All Saints Whitman in about 1995. Ask Jack Foster he would know for sure, I don’t keep those things in my head but Jack would for sure. In the Alpha talks, Nicky Gumbel  talks about good news traveling fast. He tells of the day his first son was born. He was given a roll of coins with the instructions to call the people on his list with the news of the birth after it had happened. He first called Pippa’s (his wife’s) mother and told her the good news. He then tried to call the rest but each other person on the list had already heard the news before he called, because apparently Pippa’s mother and the rest in the chain were faster to spread the good news than he was in completing the list. He related he did not have to place an onerous responsibility on those people to share the news, rather you could not have stopped or slowed down the pace of their communication. These early believers were similarly enthused about sharing the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Oh but that we could only be infected with such enthusiasm. Evangelism would cease to be such a disastrous word.


I waas away in a place with no wireless connection for over a week. I kept doing my blog but couldn't post them so now I am a week ahead, but I will still post them one at a time.

1Thessalonians 1:2-5 We give thanks to God always for you all, constantly mentioning you in our prayers, remembering before our God and Father your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. For we know, brethren beloved by God, that he has chosen you; for our gospel came to you not only in word, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction.

Paul was so sure in his writings to the Thessalonians about the nature of this community and so also of the individuals that were in it. I have been blessed to have been a leader in a number of communities about which I could write with the same kind of surety. I could write to the community at Camp Dennen that the Lord says, I have seen your great faith and the many ways you live out the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. I pray constantly that God will continue the powerful work he has done in you until the final day of his coming. I could write to the church gathered at Park Avenue that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ commends the work of the Holy Spirit in your midst that has raised up leader upon leader to continue the work Jesus has left for those who love him. What an honor and a privilege it has been to be sent by Christ to be a leader among such men and women, because each of you taught me and showed me the path of servanthood that God had planned for me. I only hope that I would never write these things out of any sense that I had done anything to be proud of, but rather that I could in some moments revel in the knowledge that God used this frail vessel to be part of His glorious work. I could watch His Holy Spirit move as He transformed lives before my very eyes. Some see Paul as prideful or sometimes even judgmental as he wrote words like these, but I think, if he was anything like me, that he just admired what God had done and what he was sure God would do among these faithful leaders of the early church. I know I am grateful for those who have shared and those who continue to share the journey with me.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Is Anyone Really Included?

Colossians 4:5-6  Conduct yourselves wisely toward outsidersmaking the most of the timeLet your speech always be graciousseasoned with saltso that you may know how you ought to answer every one.

In a supposedly inclusive society it is probably politically incorrect to say act wisely toward outsiders. Who do we think we are to say that someone is an outsider, outside of what? You see if you take the modern view than it must be assumed that no difference exists between one set of belief and another. All beliefs are just fine, whatever floats your boat or fills your sails will be just great. Therefor this outsider mentality is viewed as judgmental and wrong, but what if it does make a difference what you believe? What if all beliefs are not equal or not ok?

Clearly some children think it is good to put metal objects into electrical plugs, and need to be taught that it is hazardous. I'm glad somewhere along the way I learned that swinging a golf club in a lightning storm is dangerous at best if not lethal. Somethings are outside the realm of wisdom. Should we call them wrong?

Are harmful things only physical? Could ideas by harmful, and if they are should we just ignore that they are harmful as some people choose them? We as a society have behaviors that we judge as illegal. Some of those aren't even agreed upon by everyone. Other behaviors are even less uniformly accepted, but does that mean that all positions in the dialogue not be acceptable if the individuals conduct themselves wisely while  always being gracious? It seems to me that we have too much judgement of others today in most every arena of our lives.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Open Please!!!

Colossians 4:2-4  Continue steadfastly in prayerbeing watchful in it with thanksgivingand pray for us alsothat God may open to us a door for the wordto declare the mystery of Christon account of which I am in prisonthat I may make it clearas I ought to speak.

What do you pray about? I have a long list of people who I think need grace for one thing or another. I pray for my life and even my life in Christ. I pray giving God thanks and praise for who he is and what he has done. Paul wants prayer for a door to open for him to spread the word, to declare the mystery of Christ. I try to look for opportunities and possibilities that God provides, but I don't pray for God to open doors for the word and mystery of Christ. I think more often the opportunities and possibilities are situations to love and serve, not openings for the word. It might seem peculiar for a preacher to say they doubt that they pray to open a door for the word, but I think it  means an open door for folks who would never be in church to hear the preacher. 

I remember my young friend John Bernard who would sit with his bible and it was like magnetism as people would be mysteriously drawn to hear the word. I marveled at how that happened, but perhaps it was his prayer that God would open the door for the word. What makes an evangelist? Is it God alone or our desire to have God open the door for the word? Do we really want to share the gospel? Let's pray for doors to open.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Colossians 3:16-17  Let the word of Christ dwell in you richlyteach and admonish one another in all wisdomand sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to GodAnd whatever you doin word or deeddo everything in the name of the Lord Jesusgiving thanks to God the Father through him.

One purpose of our life in Christ is to let the word of Christ dwell in us richly. I've thought about that often and even for myself I would say that it is easier to let the love of Christ dwell in me richly than to let the word of Christ dwell in me richly. I think we often even mistake the two or substitute the two. The rector on Sunday did a stewardship sermon. He said he hated to talk about stewardship because people turn off immediately that internal button for listening because they think it's all about the money. He then said it's not about the money, it's about obedience. Obedience for me comes from letting the word of Christ dwell in me richly. That can be much more uncomfortable than the love of Christ. With the word of Christ dwelling in us richly we can teach and admonish one another in all wisdom. The love of Christ dwelling in us richly might give us all a warm fuzzy feeling to share, but is not much to teach and admonish about. I love to focus on the love of Christ, his love for me and my love for him. It changed my life permanently for good, this love of Christ which dwells in me richly. The problem is it is only a starting place for a life of obedience. Having experienced the love of Christ we are called to discipleship which requires that the word of Christ dwell in us richly.

When I get too comfortable in the love of Christ I read again and again just the sermon on the mount. Perhaps Matthew's gospel chapters five to eight. My comfort becomes uncomfortable as I let those word dwell richly, especially as I read them as my call to obedience.

Image Of Christ

Colossians 3:12-15  Put on thenas God’s chosen onesholy and belovedcompassionkindnesslowlinessmeeknessand patienceforbearing one another andif one has a complaint against anotherforgiving each otheras the Lord has forgiven youso you also must forgiveAnd above all these put on lovewhich binds everything together in perfect harmonyAnd let the peace of Christ rule in your heartsto which indeed you were called in the one bodyAnd be thankful.

After having proclaiming that we need to put aside anger and hatred, maliciousness and foul talk, Paul highlights the positive character of a Spirit led Christian. We are to be different in the world. We should shine as examples of Christ like character. This is not what I see from the world in which I live today, both those in the world and those in the church. I see a polarized society where division is the name of the game and any insult, malicious or worse is seen as fair play. We call ourselves a Christian country and yet the inability for people to show any tolerance for anyone who thinks differently than they do seems almost impossible to find. 

We are called into the one body and yet it feels like many would refuse to participate if it means being included with the people on the supposed other side. I'm not saying that God doesn't care about right and wrong, but I know he cares more about our character which requires us to love our enemies. I don't talk to people very often with the peace of Christ ruling in their hearts.

What is more important that we win in some political battle in our country, or some social agenda between the 99% and the 1% , or that we show the image of the risen Christ to a broken world.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

God's Order

Colossians 3:1-4  If then you have been raised with Christseek the things that are abovewhere Christ isseated at the right hand of GodSet your minds on things that are abovenot on things that are on earthFor you have diedand your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life appearsthen you also will appear with him in glory.

Seek the things that are above. Life is tough for us on this earth. We are busy with work and family, and even church. Life gets filled up with one activity and then another. Our attention goes from task to task or relationship to task to relationship. Time gets used up and our focus is here in earthly matters. I don't know how many people tell how stressed out their life is, or how tired they are. Parents who go from soccer to lax with kids in tow and running through McDonalds for supper on the way from one to the other. It is so easy to be consumed by earthly concerns. 

St. Paul says seek the things that are above which sounds similar to Jesus saying seek first the kingdom of God. It is challenging to discipline ourselves in a busy life, but challenging does not mean we can forget about it. Remember that disciple and discipline seem something alike. According to Paul it is linked to where you set your mind. It amazes me that when I set my mind on Jesus and seek his will, life slows down and makes sense. I find the strength to say yes to what I should approve and no to the things that would over do it, or draw me from God. 

I lacked discipline in my life when I was younger, and found it amazing that I found self discipline during the busiest time in my life. God was at the center of my life and I was without stress and wasn't tired even when life should have overwhelmed me. With my mind centered on things above the earthly priorities fell into line smoothly and easily. God's order works.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Sin No More

Colossians 2:20  If with Christ you died to the elemental spirits of the universe, why do you live as if you still belonged to the world?

The world in the images of St. Paul so often represent all that draws us from obedience to God. The world and the flesh fight against the will of God. For Paul if we have died with Christ to the elemental spirits, then we have been given the power of the Holy Spirit. With such power Paul writes in a number of places that we need not sin any longer. We have all sinned and fall short of the grace of God, but with the Holy Spirit that need not remain so. Jesus spoke in the positive about what living in Him would mean, love your enemies, turn the other cheek, while Paul taught in the negative, all the worldly choices that are against God's will. He made many of those choices until he accepted the power of the Holy Spirit.

I don't know about you, but I have found that in times of temptation, if I turn to the Holy Spirit for help I can resist, but at other times I don't think to turn to God. Even some of my most troubling weaknesses have surrendered to the power of God. I depend on God for awhile and I live in peace and harmony with God and man, but soon I get distracted from my spiritual center and fall prey to the pressures and temptations of the world. 

So why do we live as if we still belong to the world? I was talking with some folks at bible study last week about the serious deception that has infiltrated the church. It sits in our subconscious because it has been so ingrained. It becomes the normal response to our behavior, and what is it you may ask? I think it is the prevailing notion that sin is unavoidable, as if we have no availability to the power of God.

Jesus said to the woman caught in adultery remember, "Go and sin no more!" 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

No More Demands

Colossians 2:13-15  And youwho were dead in trespasses and the uncircumcision of your fleshGod made alive together with himhaving forgiven us all our trespasseshaving canceled the bond which stood against us with its legal demandsthis he set asidenailing it to the crossHe disarmed the principalities and powers and made a public example of themtriumphing over them in him.

Jesus cancelled the bond against us with their legal demands by nailing them to the cross. We are forgiven our trespasses because of the unique one of a kind, once for all time free will sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. I say unique because that has been the witness of the church from the first Easter until today. The claim that this is true was registered by prophets for centuries before Christ and the fact that Jesus came to forgive sins came from Jesus mouth itself. St Paul writes that without the unique life death and resurrection of Jesus, we are still trapped in our sins.

God worked out for me what I was never able to accomplish for myself. I had been on the edge of accepting the blessings God had prepared for me for a number of years but was held back by my own inability to just accept that God would do this for me. Forgive me, and all I had to do was accept his forgiveness through faith in Jesus. God loved me unconditionally, how could this be true? I couldn't love anyone unconditionally. I was a score keeper, who thought I could keep an accurate ledger of who owed who what in my life. What is this unconditional stuff anyway? Don't we have to be worthy? 

I've come a long way since I accepted his love and forgiveness. I have learned something about unconditional love and have even been able to give it on a number of occasions with a number of people. The forgiven learn to forgive, the loved learn to love, the Holy Spirit keeps giving and giving as the Prince of Peace gives deep peace, the God of providence provides, it is an unending powerful relationship that changes us for ourselves but even more for those around us. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Colossians 2:8-10  See to it that no one makes a prey of you by philosophy and empty deceitaccording to human traditionaccording to the elemental spirits of the universeand not according to ChristFor in him the whole fulness of deity dwells bodilyand you have come to fulness of life in himwho is the head of all rule and authority.

Philosophy is not the revelation of God but rather the perceived development of human understanding through human input alone. Most of us who have completed a college degree were required to take some philosophy. Some of it even sounds good as it is spelled out by the great minds that conceived it, but the odd thing is that is true even for philosophies that disagree with each other. They seem to build upon each other and move toward systems that rest on the notion that humanity is good and will continue to perfect and improve societies, but any reasonable assessment of world history or modern history mocks that theory with man's inhumanity to man. 

Paul is saying that all these human creations are either wrong or inadequate if that are not in agreement with the revelation we have from Jesus. In him the fullness of deity dwells and reveals to us the truth from God. He is the head of all rule and authority, not philosophers or sociologists or politicians, or economists. I know for me when I build my life and take my guidance from the life and teaching of Jesus, having received his spirit to live in me ad correct me, then my life really works. When I follow my superior intelligence, or my human needs I risk leaving the greatest blessing of my life. Living in harmony with God blesses me with an internal spiritual reality that surpasses all earthly pleasures. Save me from philosophy and the elemental spirits of the universe. I'll live in Christ thank you. 

Hope Of Glory

Colossians 1:27-29  To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mysterywhich is Christ in youthe hope of gloryHim we proclaimwarning every man and teaching every man in all wisdomthat we may present every man mature in ChristFor this I toilstriving with all the energy which he mightily inspires within me.

"Christ in you, the hope of glory" The basic truth here is that where Christ is present, his glory is present. Glory is not an heavenly thought or even an articulated praise, it is rather the shining of the Christ who is in us. Glory is what is described happening to Jesus on the mount of transfiguration. Jesus said that He was the light of the world but he also that we are the light of the world. Again if we grow more and more into the image of the Christ who is in us, we will more and more show the glory that belongs to him. Iy is very important to constantly remind ourselves that the glory is not ours and that we are not source and are not special to deserve this privilege, it comes to all who know "the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory".

Paul in writing this is pointing to the glory in and upon those who have heard and believed in Christ because he was "striving with all the energy which he mightily inspires within me." He travelled as an itinerate worker picking up work from place to place but never seeing that as his life. His life was the work inspired by God to help people become mature in Christ. He loved to see the light go on. It is kind of like the cartoons when someone gets the idea and the lightbulb appears above their head. With a Christian the light bulb glows from the inside as they carry the source, Christ, within. The stained glass saints are pictured with their halos around their heads, which is the representation of the glory of these mature Christians who have grown into the image of Christ.

Our mission is the same as Paul, to help turn the lights on, to help spread the glory of Christ in all the world. I have been so blessed to live the life God has given me. I have seen so many lights go on as Christ took root inside human souls. I love to sing praises to my God and to sit in prayer and thank him and praise him for who is, but I glorify God when I let the light of Christ shine through me, and as I hope for more and more glory to shine through me because of the Christ in me. Spread the light, that's how we glorify God. 

Monday, November 7, 2011

On This Rock

Colossians 1:21-23  And youwho once were estranged and hostile in minddoing evil deedshe has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his deathin order to present you holy and blameless and irreproachable before himprovided that you continue in the faithstable and steadfastnot shifting from the hope of the gospel which you heardwhich has been preached to every creature under heavenand of which IPaulbecame a minister.

Paul writes "provided that you continue in the faith, stable and steadfast", and yet many think the ticket to heaven is found in a moment of confession proclaiming faith in Jesus, and is then permanent. I am not saying that a decision to believe in the true identity of Jesus has no importance. Of course we need to come to a saving faith in Jesus, a place where we acknowledge our need for his saving grace, a place where we place our sinful condition before his mercy seat. This saving faith however is only a great start on our journey with the God who never takes away our free will, and who will never prevent us from turning aside. Paul wouldn't use that word provided if we didn't have the possibility of discontinuing the stable faith. Jesus is quoted in Matthew's gospel saying, Every one then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house upon the rockand the rain felland the floods cameand the winds blew and beat upon that housebut it did not fallbecause it had been founded on the rockAnd every one who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house upon the sandand the rain felland the floods cameand the winds blew and beat against that houseand it felland great was the fall of it.” The problem for some is they think a decision is enough when jesus himself says that after the hear and other sensory pieces we need to act on what we believe. Faith remember in the lives of these biblical people was an active word, a sort of noun/verb. If eternity could only be finished with a few words like Staples button Christianity (that was easy), but I'm afraid it is not that easy. It is simple but not that easy, it is free but it is not cheap for Jesus or for us. Paul says he presses on for the prize and I hope so do I. The race is longer than a marathon, but we're training for eternity

Saturday, November 5, 2011

How Deep, How Broad, How High

Colossians 1:15-20  He is the image of the invisible Godthe first-born of all creationfor in him all things were createdin heaven and on earthvisible and invisiblewhether thrones or dominions or principalities or authoritiesall things were created through him and for himHe is before all thingsand in him all things hold togetherHe is the head of the bodythe churchhe is the beginningthe first-born from the deadthat in everything he might be pre-eminentFor in him all the fulness of God was pleased to dwelland through him to reconcile to himself all thingswhether on earth or in heavenmaking peace by the blood of his cross.

In almost all churches in all major denominations the service includes reciting a creed that states in clear language a set of beliefs about the identity of God. Those creeds were usually agreed upon by long detailed discussions about each word by people centuries ago who had studied in great detail the scriptural accounts and the historical records of those who lived around Jesus. The passage from Colossians is an early creed in the form of a well known hymn of Paul's time.. It is a clearly known formulation of the widely held view in the extremely early church about the identity of Jesus. I could almost see us singing the words and phrases of that hymn.

I have at times with various creeds taken the time to meditate on each phrase to deepen my appreciation. In prayer saying, "He is the image of the invisible God" followed by some silence and repeat the phrase again, and then silence and the again. Praying to let the picture the words creates fill my heart. Each day moving forward through the creed or scripture hymn I meditate on the words and build the image. Asking God to show me what those words mean to me. What does it mean that, "He is the head of the body, the church" So much in so little space and yet he is infinitely more. So much said and yet just reading the words doesn't do justice to the reality it represents.  

Friday, November 4, 2011

Whatcha Got

Colossians 1:11-14  May you be strengthened with all poweraccording to his glorious mightfor all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Fatherwho has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in lightHe has delivered us from the dominion of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Sonin whom we have redemptionthe forgiveness of sins.

Endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father leaps off the page at me. The Christian reality as lived by Paul seems so foreign at times as I look at the modern world. Earlier in my life I experienced hardships that required endurance. Life was hard and life looking up seemed a long way away. Patience was needed and sometimes even found in the midst of those problems. I'm an internal person and have said so often to others that it is mind over matter. I could often calm the insides for a time even when life demanded endurance. I found however and observe frequently that joy only existed in moments separated from the trials of life. Paul says they exist together and I did not get that, and I most certainly was not thanking the Father in those situations that required patient endurance.

The most important part that I missed was we are qualified to have those patient endurance with joy. It's like young people today who get pre-qualified for a mortgage before they start house hunting. The Father has pre-approved of us for our entire life and waits with patient joyful endurance for us to accept his love. Our ability to have the power and strength to have patient endurance wit joy is among the gifts we have been approved to receive. 

I cannot claim to experience this reality at all times, but I mean it when I say that God gives us the ability to be unshakable in the face of trials and difficulties. We need not be tossed about at the whim of the universe, the God of the universe is on our side. I discovered that's what I got!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Love To Hear It!!!

Colossians 1:3-5  We always thank Godthe Father of our Lord Jesus Christwhen we pray for you, because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love which you have for all the saintsbecause of the hope laid up for you in heaven.

Often when I read scripture I find passages like this one. How I would want Paul to write about me and my belief like this section of Colossians. I know that I have people who pray for me all the time, faithful people who care about me and my faith life. It is always moving to me when in my quiet prayer time I think of those I pray for who also pray for me. 

I wish I had the chance to be in this community in Colossus to see first hand what kind of life yielded Paul's description in this passage. I've spent many years now trying to be a creative part of a community with faith in Christ and love for all the saints. I've described that community as being so attractive that people would be drawn to it like iron filings to a magnet. Those who are not yet included in the company of the saints would find the unconditional love they need to fill the void that exists in all of us without God. 

Wishful thinking is a waste of time. The question is can I really live a life like those in this letter. If not possible, if it is only wishful thinking, than it is indeed a waste of time and a foolish goal. If it is possible than I need to deepen my faith and increase my love for all the saints. I know Paul isn't writing any new letters, and even if I managed to deserve such praise, waiting for or searching for such praise would mean it wasn't really unconditional love after all. How deep and pure that love of Christ must be. I still do seek such faith, even as I recognize I don't have it yet.

I often wonder if any of this is really possible in modern America, where it seems like everybody just chases having more and more. If however I look at Rome and Colossus, they seem for their historical time to fill a similar pattern. If Paul could write to them, the same must be possible for us.